Cover Festival
27. Mar. 2023
03. Apr. 2023
Davos, Switzerland
Some more information
we are giving you some more information so you get an idea of what you would be signing up for. These lists are not final, we will communicate all the details with you right ahead of the event.
What’s required
build-up/ clean-up (outdoors)
- physical fitness, some heavy lifting takes place
- it’s all outdoors in good or bad weather conditions
Stage Help (indoors or outdoors)
- some lifting of equipment
What’s provided
- lift pass if needed
- lunch
What to bring
build-up/ clean-up (outdoors)
- good shoes
- snow wear for warm and colder parts of the day (layers)
- sunscreen
- water and small snacks
Stage Help (indoors or outdoors)
- functional clothing
- good snow wear and sunn screen if outside
- some lifting of equipment
Ticketing (indoors)
- appropriate clothing